Tuesday 16 June 2015

3 Hours of Night, 21 Hours of Morning

Recently I moved to Aberdeen, Scotland. Moving was shit I might write about it in the future if requested, but right now I refuse to. And now the weather.

I love Scotland. I love the weather. It's nice and cold. There's clouds all the time. No fucking direct sunlight to burn my retina. No heat waves to melt my being. It's cool (pun intended). However, during the summer there is no night. I don't mean like the North Pole, where the sun doesn't set for 6 months, I mean it tries to set, but it fails. It's a shitty excuse for a night.

I go home at 00:30 and it's still light outside. Yeah the sun technically speaking sets a bit after 22:00 but in reality it's still fucking light outside. Then the sun technically speaking rises at 04:00 so that should theoretically give you 6 hours of night, which is little, but it can still be regarded as night. Yeah... no.

It goes dark at 1 fucking AM. It goes light at 3 fucking AM. 2 hours is the shittiest excuse for night. That's not real night. That's like me playing basketball. I'm not really playing basketball, I'm throwing a ball, hoping it's gonna go through the circle thingy, making a fool of myself on purpose so that I hide the shame of my basketball related athletic incompetency...

"But sunshine is awesome!" "I love sunny Summers, why are you complaining?!" Okay lets say that I share your masochistic enjoyment of constant sunlight, and I was born with retina that didn't burn after looking at a light bulb for longer than 2 seconds. This is still Scotland bitch. There is no sunlight. There's clouds. It rains everyday. And I do mean everyday. When it's sunny (once every two weeks get a real proper sunny day) the locals get startled and confused. They call sick at work, so they may enjoy the day, hopefully go in their backyards and have a BBQ or something.

My point is, the day here, because of the constant clouds and shit, feels like morning. You know what I mean, maybe you're not certain, but trust me you know it. That colour the sky has, that feeling in the air right after sunrise. Kinda chilly, but not really. Kinda sunny, but sun is too low to feel proper. Yeah that feeling... All day long, aside from the 13:00 to 15:00 time period (if you're lucky).

I forgot where I was going with this when I started the post, it's just so... wrong...

If you're the type of person who gets up when it feels like it's morning outside you're fucked.
If you're the type of person who gets up when it feels like it's no longer morning outside you're fucked.
If you're the type... you get where I'm going with this.

Good thing is now I get to drink coffee all day long and it's somehow excused?

I really do like Scotland so far. It's awesome. Cheers.

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